The defense market is no different from any other marketplace in that it is constantly changing. So how do you stay up to date on how the defense sector of the USG is changing and investing? One way is really easy, the news! The Auxo blog page is full of ways to educate yourself on how the USG is spending and on what they’re spending. But there’s any even easier way to get a general understanding of what’s going on in defense spending and execution. Simply read the news.
What should you be looking for?
- What is the status of U.S. involvement in international conflict? Is the conflict in a steady state or is it ramping up or drawing down? For example, is there specific reporting on USG sending large portions of equipment and support to Ukraine or Israel? What is that equipment and support?
- Are there articles discussing our adversaries influence and goals? How might your technology help the U.S. in our endeavor to beat our adversaries?
- What information is being reported regarding recently awarded defense specific contracts? Who are those contracts being awarded too and what are the contracts for?
You don’t need to scour the internet to find this information either. You can simply search “US Defense News” and there will be several options that emerge. For example, the top news stories on as of the writing of this article include:
- Russia, China Vying for Influence in Southern Hemisphere with U.S.
- Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh Holds a Press Briefing
- Military Experts Highlight Space Opportunities, Threats at Aspen Conference
- Contracts for July 18, 2024 (list of today’s Defense Department contracts valued at $7.5M or more)
- NATO Nations Face Challenges to Defend the Alliance
What can you do with this information?
In all SBIR solicitations and in most white paper responses, there is a section for you to explain how your technology meets a military or defense need. Yes, you can get the published defense needs from documents like the National Defense Strategy and that is valuable and important information. However, by reading what’s happening in real time with defense operations, execution, and spending, you can start to frame your product in a way that doesn’t just meet strategic needs but tactical and current needs as well.
By being aware of what’s going on in the world of defense on a weekly basis, it becomes easier to see how your technology can be applied and be useful to the USG. Additionally, it may trigger a new idea or a new stakeholder that you haven’t yet thought to reach out too.
Absolutely continue to understand and study the strategic goals of the USG as those are relevant and valuable to your overall product development and sales strategy but don’t forget to look at what’s happening right now. It keeps you up to date on what your USG counterparts are working on daily/weekly and perhaps, it’ll even spark a new idea for application of your technology!
Keep Moving Forward,